Lorry or Truck with Canadian Flag

Lorry or Truck with Canadian Flag

Great vector graphic design featuring a white lorry or truck with a Canadian flag design and the word "cargo" stamped on, rolling through a road with blue sky behind. Great to use in advertising, websites, blogs, flyers, and more. Grab it for free in easy editable .EPS format right here.

accuracy accurate canada canadian color commercial container country covered culture delivery driving fuel identity isolated leaf lorry maple motor nation national nationality object pollution road smoke transportation travel trucking van vector wagon way

Pr 067 - TRI - 10_11_10 - 001.jpgDownload JPG-format
Pr 067 - TRI - 10_11_10 - 001.epsDownload EPS-format

License: This free vector file is exlusively available on VectorJunky.com and is distributed under our Standard License

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